60-Second Strategy: Discounts Are Us

Discounts Are Us

Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers


The Price is The Price.

I’ll say that again.

The Price is the Price.

Fexperts (Fake Experts) will tell you that you need to offer discounts. However, they have long since passed the “Discount Phase.”

Let me be perfectly clear, it takes hunormic faith in yourself and your product or service, to say this is the price and stick with it.

Let me be perfectly clear, pricing is not about charging the most for the least amount of effort. It’s about charging the price that brings value to the customer and to your business.

When you over charge, or under charge you are always looking for new customers.

When you create value then you create loyal customers. Allowing you to create better products and services year-over-year, instead of a new way to spin and old outdated product or service.

Loyalty is created one day at a time, one customer at a time.

What’s the Difference:

Fexperts will tell you to get out there and start making money as fast as possible.

I say that “Fast Money,” is that “Don’t Last Money.”

My Final Thoughts:

Discounts rarely count in the long-run. Base your business model pricing on value and value the customers and clients that have chosen to do business with you. Discounting then raising the price is what Losers Do. And I always Say Don’t be a Loser, Become a Real Leader.

Dr. Donna

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Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

I developed The Theory of Personal Accountability (U ➡️ A ➡️ B = 45 Degrees + Daily) to teach adults how to hold them themselves Personally Accountable Daily.