Personal Accountability (L is for Listen) :


Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers


You can only hear when you listen ~ Dr. Donna

Being an effective listener was not a strength for me. Years ago, if you walked into my office I would continue to work and talk at the same time. There were even times when I would respond with my back to the person that was talking to me. This was so rude and disrespectful of me.

Note: When someone takes the time to tell you anything it is your responsibility to listen to them.

It was not until the feedback was given to me that I began to read books on how to listen more effectively. There were several bad habits that I needed to resolve:

· Did not look at the person while they were talking.

· Nod up and down to rush them along as they spoke.

· Interrupt them speaking to interject a reactionary response.

· Never follow up if they had questions.

Listening skills are developed over time. When you really listen to what others have to say, you become more knowledgeable and more effective. When someone takes the time to tell you anything it is your responsibility to listen to them.

Here are five simple skills that REAL Leaders utilize to listen effectively.

  1. Stop what you are doing.

2. Look at the person while they are talking.

3. Eliminate the reactive responses.

4. Respond only during the pauses in the conversation.

5. Ask effective questions.

Just Remember: You can only hear when you listen.

Dr. Donna

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Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

I developed The Theory of Personal Accountability (U ➡️ A ➡️ B = 45 Degrees + Daily) to teach adults how to hold them themselves Personally Accountable Daily.