Personal Accountability (N is for Need) :


Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers
1 min readJan 31, 2022


Do you have what you need?

Let me ask that again

Do you have what you need?

If the answer is yes, great.

If the answer is no, read on.

The reason why you don’t have what you need is because you focused on getting what you wanted.

And now…

You don’t want what you have and you still need what you need.

The key to becoming your best is in getting and keeping what you need.

Of course you can splurge on occasion and get what you want, but having what you need ensures that you will succeed.

So make plans to purge what you currently have that you no longer want. Give yourself one week, donate or sell it. It ALL has to go.

Then resupply your life with the things you need.

Dr. Donna

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Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

I developed The Theory of Personal Accountability (U ➡️ A ➡️ B = 45 Degrees + Daily) to teach adults how to hold them themselves Personally Accountable Daily.