Persevere During Times of Adversity!

Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers
2 min readApr 12, 2024


Your greatest strengths arise when you are most vulnerable. ~ Dr. Donna

Let’s face it, we hate Adversity. No one walks around saying come on difficult moments I’m ready for you. We don’t wake up in the morning telling ourselves, “I want at least three overwhelming events to occur before 9 o’clock this morning.” This is not our reality however, what is real is that, difficult moments will occur.

We are confronted with challenges and adverse times in all areas of our lives. Each one of us has stories that we could share. Do you realize that the stories are just as important as the outcome? Talking about my divorce was one of the most vicissitude moments in my life, but it helps to show the wins that occur when you Persevere.

During those moments of the divorce, I was mentally, physically and emotionally at my weakest. Waking up in the morning was difficult. However, each day that I persevered made me become stronger. Somehow I managed and over time it became easier. The weight of the divorce became lighter. Walking through the pain was the most effective method to make it through to the other side.

To be honest, there were days throughout my healing that I just wanted to give in and go hide in a closet to cry myself to sleep. But, something deep on the inside of me would not allow me to quit; besides quitting never solved anything. For me there was more to life than losing a husband.

Success comes during those times when outside influences cannot move you from your path. When you find that you are faced with work or personal issues you have to dig deep within and find that voice that tells you, “Don’t give up,” and “that which does not kill you makes you stronger.” By working through the situation you will be better equipped to handle future issues that will come about.

You have everything you need to be persistent in moments of duress. The secret is in knowing that you can do it. You simply have to tell yourself that it is possible even when the outlook seems bleak. It is in those thoughts that you will tap into your power.

Dr. Donna

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Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

I developed The Theory of Personal Accountability (U ➡️ A ➡️ B = 45 Degrees + Daily) to teach adults how to hold them themselves Personally Accountable Daily.