Swim Upstream

Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers
1 min readMar 28, 2024


You develop new strengths when you are faced with adversity. ~ Dr. Donna

When you think of the phrase, “swimming upstream,” the first thought that comes to mind is that, it is a difficult task that no one really wants to perform.

I have often thought about what it would mean to arrive on land after swimming upstream…

I would be stronger after swimming through the rough water having greater use of my five senses; they were heightened in my need to survive the swim. My mind would be sound because of the focus that it took to make it to my destination. My confidence would have increased because the challenge was completed.

Swimming Upstream… Try It!

The next time you are faced with a difficulty or a challenge don’t resist, embrace it by thinking of how you will have benefited sticking it out.

Swimming Upstream is a great exercise.

Dr. Donna

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Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

I developed The Theory of Personal Accountability (U ➡️ A ➡️ B = 45 Degrees + Daily) to teach adults how to hold them themselves Personally Accountable Daily.