The Dr. Donna Story
Ask any person that knows me (knows of me) and they fall into one of two categories, they love and respect me, or they are not a fan. Honestly, I’m okay with both groups. I know where they stand with me and they know where I’m coming from. It really is simple and that’s how I like things.
With that being said, I’d like to share, “The Dr. Donna Story,” with you so that, you can decide which group you’re in.
Let’s Get Started!
I gotta be honest with you. I’ve struggled to write the version of my story that could be captured in one article. Also, I hate those story’s that tell you all about the struggle to paint this bleak picture so that, my journey to success seems so much sweeter.
I’ve never viewed myself as a victim. No matter what obstacles I faced, I simply knew that I had to keep going. I believe that all of my experiences and choices have led me to this moment. A moment where I can take all that has transpired and use it to empower others.
Here’s why…
My life didn’t come with a guide book. In fact, I think if it did, I would have thrown it away.
Now, here’s the part where I’m supposed to tell you about all of the bad things that happened to me. And finish with how I overcame them. Well, as I said before, I’m not, nor have I ever been a victim. (Want more proof CLICK HERE and watch the only public account of it).
So, instead here’s the deal…
In 1991, I went to college on an ROTC Scholarship and it was very difficult. I wanted to quit, but I couldn’t let my family down. Upon graduation, I spent 5.5 years in the Military where I faced every fear known to man and some I did not know existed. In 2001, I joined a large corporation and learned how to process and package raw materials, transform them into finished goods, transport them to distribution centers throughout the US, and sell them in the marketplace. During my corporate years, I also learned that when you marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons, you end up raising a child single handedly. (One of my best life choices if I do say so).
My hair started falling out when I was 19 years old, today 90% of it is still M.I.A. (Missing In Action). Thank God for synthetic hair. In 2007, I encountered an NDE (Near Death Experience) that caused me to take a really good look at my life and where I was headed. During my extended hospital stay, I decided that if I survived, I would live life on my own terms, and that’s what I’ve been doing every day since leaving the hospital. (Although some would argue that I came here this way).
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, some of you want to know about the “important things.” I have some degrees. I’ve written a couple of books. Earned some certifications and credentials. I have a host of professional & business awards. Yep, that’s right I have all the trappings that say I’m successful…on paper. For sure, I could brag with the best of them but, that’s not why I’ve acquired any of them. (When you meet me, I can tell you the real reasons).
The other stuff…
I believe that daily personal accountability is necessary for everyone and without it we become reckless. I believe in leaving a legacy and offering enhancement wherever I go. Sometimes that comes in the form of a hug, other times it can be a swift kick in the butt. To know me is to know that, I only want the best for those that choose to have it.
I hate excuses and people that complain. One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn, “You’ll find a way, or you’ll find an excuse.” I choose to find a way on the daily basis. I also believe that, first you get the lesson, then you get the blessing. So embrace it all!
I am a, “risk advocate.” Which means, I support you taking daily risks. Why? Because it keeps the fears away.
I believe that you have a choice to live your life in a manner that works best for you. I call it the, “Turn Around Effect.”
The End…
If you’ve read to the end and found that Dr. Donna isn’t a good fit for you, hey, I’m cool thanks for checking me out.
For those of you that are, “feeling Dr. Donna,” let’s take some risks, build our dreams and Turn Around everything else, to live a Galixspheric Life!
Dr. Donna
P.S. I know most of the sentences started with “I” hey it’s my story, I wanted to tell it in first person.